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YOU SHALL NOT PASS Roll On Perfume Oil

YOU SHALL NOT PASS Roll On Perfume Oil

Regular price $7.99 USD
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You are a servant of the Secret Fire. Wielder of the Flame of Arnor. The dark fire will not avail you, Flame of Udun! Go back to the shadows with scents of cashmere musk, french pear, tarragon, caramel, Old Toby smoke clinging to an old grey cloak and firewood doused in magic. All you have to decide is what to do with the scents we have given you. Now… Fly, you fools.

1.5 Dram Rollerball

Vegan handcrafted perfume oil

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

This perfume oil is a complex scent that is unisex, but to me leans just a bit more masculine after the drydown.

YOU..SHALL NOT..pass this up.

Seriously...if you haven't snagged one of these babies yet, do before you miss your chance. Sure it may sound like a more manly scent but, in my humble opinion it can go both ways easily depending on your skin chemistry. Now, for me the caramel and smoke notes helped to amp up that pear just a bit making me already love it before the cashmere ever came into play.

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