Peach Iced tea

This is a great drink for the summer. Or anytime you want that really good drink thats not a coke or water.
Iced Tea. About 1/4 sweet. What that means is if you were to make sweet Iced tea, you add about 1/4 of the sugar or honey.
Add ice to a glass. Fill glass 2/3 way with tea. Fill rest of glass with Peach nectar. Available at most grocery stores. In health food isle usually.
Thats it! One of my favorite drinks.

If you were in the mood for “drinks”, you could add 2 oz vodka or white rum. And peach sliver for garnish.

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I absolutely love peaches and I love tea too! I’ve never tried a peach tea even though I’ve seen them around… maybe I’ll give this a try soon!


mmm, sounds so good!


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